FAQ - Non-KYC Exchange

Frequently Asked Questions

What cryptocurrencies do you support?

We currently support Litecoin (LTC) and Monero (XMR), including MimbleWimble (Litecoin) for enhanced privacy, XMR (Monero) known for its strong privacy features, and Native SegWit Bech32 (Litecoin) addresses that improve transaction efficiency and reduce fees.

Who provides liquidity for your exchange?

While smaller transactions are handled directly through our reserves, for larger transactions, we may use Exch as a trusted partner to ensure liquidity and smooth processing. If we notice that Exch's wallet is full, as they use a single wallet for all incoming and outgoing Monero payments, we handle these transactions ourselves in our reserves. This ensures that your order isn't delayed due to external factors.

How do exchanges work?

We generate a new input address every two minutes for guests. After transferring the required amount, wait for confirmation, then click 'Payment Process' to select the cryptocurrency you want. You'll receive your purchased crypto within 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Do you require any documents for exchanges?

No, we are a non-KYC exchange and will never ask for proof of funds or identity. We do not scrutinize the history of your coins based on arbitrary interpretations of "suspiciousness" or the assessments of blockchain analysis partners. Unlike others, we believe in protecting your privacy and will not subject you to intrusive KYC requirements or demand proof of the source of funds.

What is your .onion address?

We currently do not have a .onion address.

What is MWEB (MimbleWimble Extension Block) for Litecoin?

The official Litecoin core wallet has integrated MWEB support and users can receive and send it without problem. Basically, MWEB allows users to send Litecoin transactions privately. When you send MWEB to another MWEB address, the transaction details remain completely obscured from the public. Only the transaction fee is visible on the blockchain, providing a high level of privacy with the sender and receiver being marked as "UNKNOWN." This style of privacy is also utilized in Litexero.

Do you collect any user data?

No, we do not collect any metadata such as browser info or IP addresses.

Do you offer an affiliate program?

We do not have a dedicated affiliate program. However, we are part of the exch affiliate program, which is one of the best swap services available. Since they use a single wallet for all Monero payments and they don’t have MimbleWimble (Litecoin) wallets we created this site to assist users who prefer to avoid waiting for orders and add more layers to their security. If you prefer not to use our service under these conditions, you're free to directly use Exch.

Any recommendations?

We recommend checking out our listings here: https://litexero.com/listing.
